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Emelie’s story

Emelie achieves independence by opting for Shared Management with Plan Navigators

Emelie lives independently and requires support for a few things, such as; attending hospital appointments, reading and understanding documents and to articulate her wishes. Her previous service provider kept changing her staff, meaning strangers were coming into her home regularly – some of whom she didn’t get along with. She decided to do Shared Management with Plan Navigators and has now hired people she likes and trusts, who advocate for her when needed.

Emelie’s Shared Management arrangement works as follows;

  • She finds people she would like to hire and puts them in touch with us
  • We do all the checking of things like police clearances and first aid certificates and collect all necessary paperwork
  • We do mandatory inductions with staff and take care of processes such as payroll, tax reporting, superannuation payments and reporting to the NDIS
  • Emilie tells her staff when she would like to be supported and how
  • Emilie negotiates pay rates directly with her staff